"I had always hoped that someone like Michael would come along in my lifetime?"
"I learned so much more about the Church. Michael is a wonderful speaker; I wish he could come once a month. Best wishes and God’s love, to him. Let his works go on!!"
"Mr. Cumbie is a very gifted speaker and has given me enough information to awaken the thirst to learn more about my faith. He has also given me a new understanding of our Protestant brethren. He has awakened the desire in me to deepen my faith. Thank you Mr. Cumbie."
"I came to two classes and I was very happy to hear Michael, he is wonderful. I wish he would stay here in St. Mary’s parish forever. He would bring hundreds of people back to the Catholic Church because he speaks excellent; I can understand him clearly. We need more people like Michael to teach the Word of God. God bless you Michael."
"This is the first Mission I have attended for the Duration. I feel a sense of validation for what I am since birth—"Catholic’. I feel a sense of excitement and peace. What a way to enter Lent!! The talks are inspiring and encouraging to stand up for what I am and what I believe in. And be comfortable to bear witness to my faith. Love it all –Bless You!!"

"Deeper appreciation of my religion/faith. I had been a fallen away Catholic for 21 years, returned to Catholicism 7 years ago. Michael renewed in my memory so much that I had forgotten when I was growing up. His knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith is inspirational. Great role model. Thank you for sending him to us. I saw many dogmas in a new light."
"I have learned more in the past four days than I did throughout my entire RCIA course. Michael has taught us and explained things that I haven’t been able to get answers too.
"The Lenten Mission was wonderful. It made my love for Holy Mother Church all that much deeper, as a Lenten Mission should do. Michael Cumbie is a dynamic speaker who is a great story teller and made his message "stick" by his presentation & preaching."
The talks brought us closer in our faith both to the Church and each other. Michael has much to offer the Church and anyone, Catholic or not, who will listen to his story."
"Michael’s talks opened a yearning & great thirst to study the scriptures. I realized that there is so much about Catholicism that I never learned through my 62 years. We need more like him! Thank the Lord for the opportunity He sent Michael to our Parish, St. Mary’s Chandler, AZ"
If Michael Cumbie could teach here at my parish every weekday for 6-12 months, I would be here with bells on! Thank you again for waking up a sleepy spirit!"

"What did I get out of the talks?’ So much! I could have sat and listened for days. Thank you, Michael Cumbie, for getting my Lent off to a beautiful start."
"Michael is a true inspiration! A light in the midst of darkened times. Four nights is not enough! Please come back to St. Mary’s.
"One of the best Missions I’ve every attended, and I’ve been to a lot in my 65 years. He gave the best explanation of the Immaculate Conception that I have ever heard. I could listen to him for hours—the Mission wasn’t long enough. He is so knowledgeable of the Catholic faith—I feel he is truly blessed by the Holy Spirit."
"What did I get from Michael’s talks? What I got was a large dose of Pride in my Being Catholic! What a breath of fresh air for the Catholic Church—He is to our Catholic faith what Kenneth Copeland, R.W. Shambach and Ken Hagin are to the Protestants—All rolled up into one!
"This Mission with Michael Cumbie has truly touched my life."
"This Mission with Michael Cumbie has truly touched my life."
"My three girls asked me a ton of questions on the way home from the talks and thanks to Michael I could answer them and if I could not, he could."
"His mission was the best I have attended in a long time. I wish he lived close by so we could hear him more often."
"We loved Michael. He really knows what he is talking about. He made us think and informed us on how to defend our faith. We needed this so much. Everyone I talked to was so happy about this mission. This is a much needed ministry!! God Bless him."
"I got so much out of the mission with Michael Cumbie. These four days taught me so much, more than I’ve learned in a long time. Even my teens couldn’t wait to come every night. I wish you could stay longer."
"I am ashamed to say that I got more or actually learned more about my Catholic faith in the four days Michael was at my parish than I have in all forty years I have been Catholic. He was wonderful, interesting, educating and funny. I loved him and my boys ages 12 and 16 even loved it and looked forward to every night."
"The mission with Michael Cumbie was one of the best missions I have ever attended. It was the first one that I didn’t want to end—
"Michael, your talks set my soul on fire. I haven’t felt so moved since I made my Cursillo in Sept of 2002. We will keep you in our nightly prayers.
"Michael, please don’t ever stop preaching"
"I can’t even tell you how much I’ve enjoyed these four days with Michael Cumbie. I’ve talked to people for three days who say the same and that we’ll be talking about this Mission for days to come. You’ve taught us so many things…thank you. P.S. I think you do a great job traveling and talking about our Catholic Church."
"My ‘Catholic Eyes’ were opened. I learned so much and still have much more to learn. I am so grateful for Mike and His work. I wish we had more of him and people who are as eager as him to teach the truth. God Bless him in his work!!"
"Most interesting and informative mission I have ever attended. Excellent speaker. Reaffirmed lessons learned long ago."
"Michael, you are a very spirit filled, gifted man. Thank God every day for your gifts of knowledge and being able to share it. Your speaking is very dynamic but at the same time peaceful."
"I received such piece of mind from Michael’s talks. I have been confronted with a lot of questions about but see things so much clearer after Michael’s talks."
"These converts seem to know much more about our faith than we ‘cradle Catholics’ do. It was so refreshing to hear him tell what drew him to Catholicism, the reasons we often take for granted, and take so lightly. Michael’s talks made me want to learn more about my faith."
"Michael’s delivery was humorous and fast-paced. He was so interesting and told us so many facts that really started us thinking about our faith and what ‘true worship’ is." Great apologetics Michael, keep up the good work. We need more good holy men like him in our Church. The mission was a whole was wonderful!"
"Fantastic! He answered all my questions about our faith, and then some!"
"I am a ‘cradle Catholic’ and have attended many missions. This mission with Michael Cumbie has been the best I have ever attended."
"The best explanation of purgatory I’ve ever heard."
"What did I get from Michael’s talks? Wow! I learned more from these four nights with Michael Cumbie than I did in my whole CCD classes. Michael taught us more than most of us ever knew about our faith. Hope to see you again, good luck in the future with all your talks."